Book Review: Deception is Our Remedy by Alexandra Gavranovic

Deception is Our Remedy by Alexandra Gavranovic

Genre: Dystopian, Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-Fi

Age: Young Adult

Publisher: Dumetella Press

Publication Date: March 18, 2024

Rating: 4/5 Stars

Rating: 4 out of 5.


What if everything you thought you knew about the world – and yourself – was a lie? What would you do?

For 17-year-old Callista, growing up in a world stripped of all its color after the great climate crisis, every day looks the same in her Neighborhood. There are no other kids her age except for her best friend, Reggie. There are no events or activities. And there is no leaving. Cal rarely even steps outside her house except to pick up the month’s worth of dry, rationed food courtesy of the Government or for her routine trip to the doctor, which always leaves her feeling groggy and depleted.

And while she knows that she should just accept this life, she can’t help but wonder if there is something she isn’t being told. From whispered conversations she overhears of her parents to nightmares that feel more like memories jarring her awake in the middle of the night, Cal finally decides to find out for herself if there is something beyond the towering gates of her Neighborhood. Something that can provide answers.

But what she finds is more shocking than she could have imagined. When a giant floating object of immense light transports her to an abandoned city, Cal meets more people her age who also grew up in Neighborhoods. And, like the orb of light she can suddenly summon with her mind, these other people are also gifted with special abilities.

Before she can determine what is going on, they are all herded to a special Academy for the gifted, where they will learn to hone their abilities with other students just like them.

But as Cal unravels her nightmares, everything she thought she knew about her former life starts to rip at the seams. And, as she spends more time with her fellow students in the Academy, she begins to wonder if she really escaped the Neighborhood at all.


Rating: 4 out of 5.

Unexpected twists, unraveling secrets, hidden abilities, alliances and friendships, and an adventure that takes a surprising turn.

Deception is Our Remedy is a fast-paced, thought provoking, emotional and entertaining book. This is Alexandra Gavranovic debut novel. This story is a dystopian fantasy, that is set in a post climate apocalypse world.

When I started this book, I immediately thought of the Shatter Me series and Divergent. This book gives off classic 2010 dystopian era vibes and I am completely obsessed with it! The plot is intriguing and engaging and will keep you curious that you wont want to put this book down. You can expect a story full of twists and suspense, action and adventure, mystery and secrets and a plot that will not leave you bored for a second.

Read if you like:

  • Dystopian World
  • Hidden Powers
  • Magical abilities
  • Likeable/Complex characters
  • Fast paced plot
  • Found Family
  • Mystery and Suspense

If you are a fan of dystopian books you have to check out this book!

“Your home never was a home. It was all a cage to keep you alive until you could be sent here.”

Thank you @agavranovicauthor and @ireadbooktours for the gifted copy💚

If you’ve made it this far, thanks so much for reading! Till next time! 


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